
3. Cùrsa Sònraichte ann an Leasachadh Cruinneachadh Dealbhadh Fasan & Riaghladh Tachartas Fasan sòghalachd

Acadamaidh Air-loidhne Catwalk Gearmailteach Elite airson Dealbhadh Fasan Luxury, Tàillearachd & Tionnsgalachd

Fiosrachadh mu Phrògram Cùrsa

Tha an cùrsa air leth seo a’ toirt cumhachd do dh’ oileanaich inntrigeadh luath is iongantach a dhèanamh do na taisbeanaidhean fasan as cliùitiche agus as cliùitiche san Roinn Eòrpa, gan suidheachadh fhèin. mar ìomhaighean a tha a’ tighinn am bàrr ann an gnìomhachas an fhasain.

Àrdaich do chùrsa-beatha leis na prògraman coileanta air-loidhne againn ann an Leasachadh Cruinneachadh Dealbhadh Fasan agus Riaghladh Tachartas Fasan Luxury.

Gabh pàirt anns an dian againn Cùrsa sònraichte aon mhìos air a dhealbhadh gus do stiùireadh tro leasachadh cruinneachadh airson taisbeanadh fasan eadar-nàiseanta no taisbeanadh ann am Milan, an Ròimh no Paris. Tha am pàirt seo den phrògram ag amas air leasachadh dealbhadh fasan agus sgrùdadh gluasad le fòcas air an roinn fasan sòghail, a’ toirt seachad trèanadh domhainn ann an leasachadh cruinneachaidhean, bho bhun-bheachd gu taisbeanadh deireannach.

Cùrsa Air-loidhne Dian Aon-mìos Beatha ann an Leasachadh Cruinneachaidhean & Riaghladh Tachartas Fasan sòghalachd

Dàibheadh ​​​​a-steach do chridhe saoghal an fhasain leis a’ chùrsa air-loidhne dian dà mhìos sònraichte againn ann an Leasachadh Cruinneachaidhean agus Riaghladh Tachartas Fasan Luxury. Tha am prògram seo air a dhealbhadh gus do bhruadar a thoirt gu buil, gad chumadh a-steach don ath rionnag fasan sa ghnìomhachas.

Cuir air adhart do chùrsa-beatha leis a’ chùrsa speisealaichte seo ann an Leasachadh Cruinneachaidhean agus Riaghladh Tachartas Fasan Luxury, ag amas air luchd-dealbhaidh agus manaidsearan tachartais a tha airson an comharra a dhèanamh air an àrd-ùrlar eadar-nàiseanta. Tro sheiseanan beò seachdaineil air-loidhne agus trèanadh dian bho eòlaichean gnìomhachas fasan sòghail, gheibh com-pàirtichean na sgilean riatanach uile gus cruinneachadh a leasachadh airson taisbeanadh fasan eadar-nàiseanta, a’ toirt a-steach taghadh mhodalan, sgeadachadh ro-aithris, agus an toinnte a thaobh a bhith a’ riaghladh tachartas fasan sòghail leis na meadhanan eadar-nàiseanta. còmhdachadh. Tha an cùrsa seo a’ suidheachadh an àrd-ùrlar airson soirbheachas ann a bhith a’ stiùireadh thachartasan agus thaisbeanaidhean fasan àrd-ìomhaigh, a’ toirt cothrom gun samhail airson sàr-obair a thaisbeanadh ann am prìomh-oifisean cruinne leithid Milan, an Ròimh no Paris.

Fad a ’chùrsa: 1 mìosan

Cànan a’ chùrsa: Beurla

Gabhail a-steach: 1 Faoilleach

Ro-ghoireasan riatanach: Tha sgilean adhartach dèanamh phàtrain agus fuaigheal, a bharrachd air eòlas ann an dealbhadh fasan, riatanach airson a’ phrògram seo. Air an làimh eile, feumaidh tagraichean a bhith air crìoch a chuir air Prògram Dioplòma UniFash ann an Dealbhadh Fasan agus Tàillearachd Gnàthaichte, Dioplòma Cùrsa Goirid Adhartach UniFash ann an Dealbhadh Fasan agus Tàillearachd Dèanta, no a bhith sa bhliadhna mu dheireadh aca aig sgoiltean fasan aithnichte eile. Thoir an aire, bidh cothrom airson pàirt a ghabhail sa chùrsa seo cuideachd a’ toirt a-steach còmhradh pearsanta le Iris Peitzmeier, a stèidhich UniFash.

teisteanais: Tha a h-uile Cùrsa Sònraichte air a bhuileachadh leis an Sgoil Stiùiridh na h-Eilbheis (ssm.Eilbheis), ar n-aithne (Ceadachadh) Com-pàirtiche stèidhichte san Eilbheis.

Blended Learning Approach:

This 2-month intensive live-online program is accessible through our sophisticated blended learning model. Our methodology encompasses a blend of online educational resources, such as instructional videos and interactive assignments, complemented by regular, intensive one-on-one coaching sessions and live online teaching classes. Each module is available on our digital platform, accompanied by the requisite learning materials for download. This ensures that our students are equipped with all necessary tools for success in their studies.

The Specialization Course in Luxury Fashion Event Management is intricately structured to impart a comprehensive understanding of the core competencies required in fashion manufacturing and the luxury creation of fashion designs, with a pronounced emphasis on luxury fashion event management and the preparation for such events through collection development and the collection process. This academically refined program deepens the student’s expertise not only in the realms of fashion design and production but places a significant focus on enabling students to master the nuances of luxury fashion event management.

Beyond these fundamental skills, the curriculum places a significant emphasis on the creation of a luxury fashion collection, meticulously guiding students through the complex journey of collection development – from the initial concept to the final execution. This comprehensive educational pathway culminates in the participation in an international luxury fashion event, providing students with a practical, real-world platform to showcase their refined talent and innovative collections.

Enhanced by intensive coaching sessions, the program offers extensive interaction with industry professionals, including practical training videos, expert consultations, and comprehensive training sessions specifically tailored to luxury event planning and execution. This holistic approach ensures that students are not only adept at producing high-end fashion items but are also proficient in the planning, management, and execution of luxury fashion events, culminating in the participation in an international fashion show with press coverage. This focus on luxury fashion event management and collection preparation equips students with the skills and knowledge to excel in the high-stakes world of luxury fashion.

This part-time, online – life training course is specifically tailored to accommodate individuals with advancced experience in fashion design production and tailoring. Through the duration of this rigorous program, students will be meticulously guided to acquire all essential skills requisite for emerging as specialists within their respective domains.

The program reaches its culmination with the submission of a tailor -made luxury outfit and an extensive design collection portfolio. Additionally, participants have the opportunity to showcase one of their finest outfits at an international fashion show, providing exposure to industry experts and the international press. Additionally, students will provide a brief marketing strategy on how to promote the upcoming fashion show and the featured outfit on social media to attract press and media attention.

Upon successful completion of the program, students are conferred the Specialization Certificate in Fashion Design Collection Development & Luxury Event Management, awarded by the Swiss School of Management. This acknowledgment certifies their proficiency and readiness to excel in the competitive fields of fashion production, design collection development, and luxury event management.

The UniFash Fashion School employs an innovative approach to team-based online learning, firmly believing that this method mirrors the collaborative and dynamic nature of today’s professional environments. The diploma, awarded by the Swiss School of Management, paves the way for international career opportunities by equipping students for the global fashion industry, with a particular emphasis on the luxury sector.

Throughout this comprehensive course, students will dive into the art of advanced luxury fashion design collection development, gaining a sophisticated understanding of how to bring a fashion collection from concept to reality, informed by trend analysis and material sourcing. Moreover, participants will develop a keen expertise in luxury fashion event management, learning how to orchestrate events that effectively showcase brand identity and engage audiences. Mastery in design documentation and presentation will enable students to communicate their creative visions through detailed portfolios and presentations, aligning with luxury market trends and sustainability practices. Engaging directly with the fashion industry, students will build strategic networks, understand industry dynamics, and enhance their career opportunities. Furthermore, innovation in fashion design and marketing will be a key focus, equipping learners with the skills to navigate the competitive luxury fashion landscape, market their collections effectively, and establish a distinguished brand presence. This course is designed not just to educate but to empower students to excel and make their mark in the global fashion industry.

Intended Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs):
ISLO 01: Advanced Collection Development Skills
Learners will develop a sophisticated understanding of the collection development process, from conceptualization to execution. This entails the ability to conduct trend analysis, theme selection, and fabric and materials sourcing, leading to the creation of innovative and cohesive fashion collections that reflect contemporary aesthetic and market demands.
ISLO 02: Luxury Fashion Event Management Proficiency
Students will gain specialized knowledge in organizing and managing luxury fashion events, encompassing all aspects from initial planning and budgeting to execution and post-event evaluation. This includes developing strategies for effective brand representation, audience engagement, and media relations to maximize event impact and visibility in the luxury fashion sector.
ISLO 03: Mastery in Design Documentation and Presentation
Participants will master creating and presenting detailed design portfolios, including technical drawings and pattern-making documentation, while also engaging in trend research and material selection for luxury fashion collections. This comprehensive skill set enables effective communication of design concepts and production requirements to all involved parties, ensuring alignment with luxury market trends and sustainability practices. This approach not only sharpens participants’ forecasting and decision-making abilities but also trains them to meet the high luxury expectations standard of the fashion industry.
ISLO 04: Strategic Industry Engagement and Networking
Students will actively engage with the fashion industry through structured interactions with professionals, internships, and participation in fashion events. This outcome focuses on building strategic networks and understanding industry dynamics to enhance career opportunities and professional growth within the fashion sector.
ISLO 05: Innovation in Fashion Design and Marketing

Learners will exhibit the ability to innovate in design and effectively market fashion collections, understanding the importance of brand identity, consumer behavior, and digital marketing strategies in the competitive luxury fashion landscape. Additionally, they will learn how to market themselves as designers at an international show, from leveraging social media to crafting press releases and engaging in current participations. This expanded skill set empowers them to navigate the complex avenues of self-promotion and brand visibility, ensuring they stand out in the global fashion industry.


After completion of this two-month professional online-live training, students are afforded the opportunity to display their masterpieces, under the guidance of industry professionals, at an international fashion show in renowned locations such as Paris, Milan, Rome, or Dubai. This structured approach not only deepens the learning experience but also positions students to make impactful contributions to the fashion industry, entering the field with creativity and distinction.

Course Title:
CDM 01 Collection Design Development

Course Description:
The Design Development course offers an immersive exploration into the foundational & advanced stages of luxury fashion design, beginning with the creative process of mood board creation and extending through trend research within the luxury fashion segment. Participants will learn how to effectively gather inspiration and insights from current fashion trends to conceptualize their unique design visions.

The course places a significant emphasis on the practical skills needed to bring these concepts to life, including the creation of detailed sketches and technical drawings. Through hands-on training, learners will develop the proficiency to translate their ideas into tangible design elements, preparing them for the next stages of luxury fashion production.

Throughout the program, emphasis is placed on understanding the luxury market’s dynamics, enabling participants to tailor their designs to meet the high expectations of this niche. By the end of the course, participants will have a comprehensive portfolio showcasing their ability to ideate, research, and document their design journey, from initial inspiration to polished technical representations.

This program is designed for aspiring designers seeking to make their mark in the luxury fashion industry, providing them with the tools and knowledge necessary to innovate and stand out in a competitive landscape.

Course Title:
EVM 02 Luxury Event Management

Course Description:
The Luxury Event Management course is crafted for individuals aiming to specialize in the management of high-profile fashion events, particularly in managing the presentation of collections at international luxury fashion shows. This program covers key aspects of event management, including rehearsal and fitting sessions, model selection, and the effective promotion of the event through press releases and social media marketing.

Participants will actively engage in the planning and participation in the execution of a luxury fashion show, mastering the coordination of all logistical details. Emphasis is placed on selecting models that align with the designer’s vision and the expectations of the luxury market.

Additionally, the program dedicates significant attention to developing marketing strategies for the event. Learners will acquire skills in crafting compelling press releases and maximizing social media platforms to enhance event visibility and impact. They will also learn how to interact with the media and influencers to attract an international audience around the event.

By the end of this course, participants will possess a thorough understanding of the processes involved in luxury event management, equipped to contribute to the success of fashion shows. Designed for those seeking to make their mark in the luxury fashion industry, the program offers practical experience and strategic marketing insights, preparing participants for a successful career in fashion event management.